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Leadership Roles 2021-2022

It is really important for us as a school community to promote children's understanding of service, responsibility and courageous advocacy; as well as the Fruit of the Spirit values of Love, Patience, Kindness, Goodness and Self-Control. To this end we have a number of roles which are appointed annually, through a voting day at the start of the academic year.  British Values of democracy and respect for all are also important aspects of these votes, and children learn about their rights as British citizens to have free speech, to be able to disagree respectfully, and to value the opinions of others even if they do not agree with them.  This also links with one of our four school rules: To know and celebrate that we are all different. 

We have some Leadership Roles with children from each class and others which are specific to a certain year group.  All of them meet with a lead adult either weekly, half-termly or termly, to ensure that children's voices are heard and so that as a school we are constantly reviewing our provision for all whether it be for mental health, worship, the environment or other aspects of school and wider life.

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Mental Health Champions




Y6 Prefects


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Worship Wardens


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Y6 Librarians





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School Council

Get In Touch

St. Francis Church of England Primary School
Cherry Tree Lane, Blackburn, BB2 5NX
Mrs Barton or Mrs Fielding
01254 201419